Sophia Taillet is a designer, graduated from the Ecole Nationale des Arts Décoratifs de Paris and S.V.A New york, usa.
She focuses on the exploration of matter as a trigger of imagination and apprehends her objects as sculptures in order to be guided by her intuitions and to integrate a large part of her experiences. From steel to glass, her collections seek to reveal the intrinsic properties of the material.
Sophia Taillet has created a series of suspended furniture for the Palais de Tokyo called "Le Temps Suspendu" (Suspended Time), and her Helik light in flexible steel is being exhibited at the Venice Biennale of Architecture in 2018.
Thanks to the Frac d'Auvergne, in 2019 she obtained a 6-month residency in a glass center in Yzeure, France. In total immersion, she creates a collection of glass furniture.
In 2021 she developed a research project for the Versailles Architecture BiennalE and created a geological stratum totem in partnership with the Institut d'Urbansime Paris Région.
From 2022 to 2023 she is a prizewinner in the Mondes Nouveaux project supported by the French Ministry of Culture, and is developing a project that links design and dance: "du geste artisanal au geste chorégraphique" ("from craft gesture to choreographic gesture"), which will result in a performance at the Fondation Ricard.
In the field of design, she has created the Vénus luminaire, co-edited with Galerie 13desserts, which was exhibited at Milan Design Week, Maison & Objet and is part of the official National Furniture collection “Mobilier National”
She is showcasing her new collection “ Spinning around” at Collectible Fair with the Steidjstudio.
In parallel, she develops projects for brands, in art direction and set design, such as Louis Gabriel Nouchi.
“Venus light” enter in the mobilier national collection of France.
award le french design 100 - Maison & objet, Paris
Residency at CIRVA & Mondes nouveaux
Grant & residency- Fondation Verrecchia
2021-2022 Grant - Mondes nouveaux- Ministère de la culture France
2019 Grant - Frac auvergne Rhône-Alpes - Glass Residency
2018 Grant - du Centre culturel européen et de la fondation GAA pour VENICE DESIGN -Pallazio Michiel - During the Venice Biennale of Architecture.
2017 Grant - Fondation Bettencourt schueller - Meseinthal
Institutions & clients
Hôtel la Nouvelle République, Paris
Les Grands Voisins, Paris
Louis Vuitton
Jade genin
Les Néreides, Paris
Atelier Baduel
The community, Paris
Collectible Fair, Bruxelles
Paris Design Week
Dutch Design Week
Le French Design Lab by VIA
Centre de coworking et d'innovations Starways
Venice Design
C.I.A.V Meseinthal
European cultural center
Fondation GAA
Frac Auvergne Rhône-Auvergne
Ameublement Français
Lou carter gallery
Gallery 13desserts
Chatillon Architecte
Biennale d’architecture et de paysage de Versailles
Venice Architecture Biennale
Nouveaux commanditaires-Le consortium
workshop & teaching
École Camondo paris - Architecture d'intérieur et Design 2023-2024
Ecole Condé design global - objet 2020-2023
Frame Magazine 2025
AD Magazine 2025
Vogue magazine 2025
Goodmood 2025
Elle decor france mai 2024
Elle decor USA september 2023
AD magazine - collectible fair 2022
Collectible Fair, Brussel : MILK DECORATION
Dutch Design Week :
Exposition: MATERIALS INNOVATE 2019 - French Design By VIA
Le French design by VIA
Boutique d'étapes .
ParisARTdesign .
Project PlayLine 2018 -Paris
PLAYLINE, les grands voisins.
Exposition: VENICE DESIGN 2018 - Biennale d'architecture de Venise
Paris Design week
Exposition VENISE DESIGN, le centre culturel européen
Exposition- Voie lactée - The community - 2018:
Voie lactée, l'exposition communautaire de Paris. KubaParis .
Palais de Tokyo exhibition, Paris . Newspaper article design.
SET DESIGNER - 2016 set design movie : People, Place and thing IMDB . IMDB USA, New York